As we move into fall …
Twilight has been busy over the summer as we prepare for fall - the summer mornings and warmth have shifted to crispy fall with sunlight filtering through the changing leaves. As we say goodbye to summer, we reminisce on all the potential that summer can hold, and all that we weren’t able to get done and is now waiting for our next summer.
This shift of seasons can be particularly hard for anyone who is struggling with change, and we suggest taking a few moments everyday to be present in the moment. One of our favourites is standing outside in the early evening and noticing the beauty of the colours of fall and the shifting light of the season as we notice birds calling as they too are moving with the change in season.
Fall can also be a challenging time for grief and loss to be experienced - whether it is fresh or timeworn. Fall is a time of change, of small deaths and renewals promised. Please try to be kind and gentle with yourself and the world around you, and know that if you are struggling there are many resources, including Twilight Counselling who are able to help you along in your journey.
Take good care!